How We Pray at Home with Children

It can sometimes be a very frustrating task, getting kids to cooperate at daily prayer times..beyond just meals that is. I'm
sharing the bare bones of our morning/evening routine with you, so that we might encourage each other in the daily struggle to teach our kids to pray with their whole  mind, body and soul: to learn that communicating with God is an ongoing relationship and gift of love that requires effort, attentiveness and sacrifice. Here is what we do....please comment and post your tips for others. May God strengthen and illumine us as parents!

MORNING PRAYERS - before breakfast and school
  • Stand and make the sign of the Cross or bows to begin
  • Light individual candles at vigil lamp (vigil lamp is constant flame in our home in front of our icons using olive oil as our continuous offering to God for His presence and blessing. A big void is noticed if this light goes out. Try it for a month and see!)
  • "Through the prayers of the holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, have mercy on us and save us. Amen... (ADULT)
  • Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal.....3x    (ROTATE HAVING KIDS SAY THIS)
  • All Holy Trinity, have mercy on us, ....(ANOTHER KID)
  • Glory to the Father, Son, Holy Spirit...   (ANOTHER KID)
  • Our Father...etc   (Another KID)
  • Through the prayers of holy fathers.... (ADULT)
  • THEOS KURIOS   (We all chant this "God is the Lord, and has revealed Himself to us, blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord" with verses from Orthros)
  • (One) Morning Prayer (Having risen from sleep, we thank you o Christ our God....)
  • TIN TIN ME O TERA (We all chant "You are honored more than the Cherubim" with verses and one kid incenses icons and us)
  • Prayer for School  (I can post this if you want - we kneel for this )
  • 3 full body Prostrations saying Jesus prayer aloud. (We end every prayer time with this)
  • Through the prayers of holy fathers...."  (ADULT)
  • Venerate icons
  • Anoint foreheads with holy oil in a cross
  • Eat piece of dried antidoron 
  • Blow out candles
EVENING PRAYERS - much harder and abbreviated often because of bedtime behavior/silliness. Sometimes children listen to the prayers from their beds if unruly
  • Light candle at vigil lamp
  • Through the prayers of holy fathers.... (ADULT)
  • Holy God, Holy mighty, Holy Immortal.....3x    (ROTATE HAVING KIDS SAY THIS)
  • All Holy Trinity, have mercy on us, ....(ANOTHER KID)
  • Glory to the Father, Son, Holy Spirit   (ANOTHER KID)
  • Our Father...etc   (Another KID)
  • Through the prayers of holy fathers.... (ADULT)
  • FOS ILARON  (We chant "O Blessed Light" from Vespers)
  • Evening Prokeimenon  (changes for each day from Vespers)
  • "Grant Lord, to keep up this night without sin..."  (prayer from Vespers)
  • "Lord our God, if during this day, I have sinned...." (prayer while kneeling)
  • 3 full body prostrations saying Jesus Prayer aloud
  • Venerate icons
  • Lights out - sometimes adult reads life of Saint or Bible to fall asleep
Consider asking the kids to chant "Lord Have mercy (3x)" as a good break from Mom or Dad reading all the time. Lastly, consider quiet time for specific "Prayer Rope"to be said. Provide one for each child on car rides, or afterschool walks....praying for people by name. On the drive to Liturgy, read the Epistle/Gospel in your language, or share a feastday lesson. Listen to chanting or lives of Saints.

Of course there are several prayerbooks with prayer rules and prayers for specific needs, the six hours of daily prayer, unceasing Jesus prayer, etc. I simply only wish to offer an abbreviated version of what works in our family at this time.

 What do you do?


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