A Baptism Toast

"The common thing that brings all of us together, is our love for _______, and our desire to offer her/him the best beginning. Think about all the things we do for the newest member of our family...we make a safe home, with a safe bed and a safe car seat for her/him. We take her/him to the doctor for vaccinations and care for her/him to the best of our abilities, without her/him ever asking for it, but just because we love her/him. This is exactly the reason why we bring her/him to the Church today.

Today, we offer ______ the beginning of a life grounded in the principles of faith,  kindness to others, and love for herself/himself as God's most important creation. She/he will be able to grow up with the best medicines for her/his mind, body and soul because she/he will begin receiving the holy Sacraments. Today, she/he was sealed with the chrism of the Holy Spirit, her/his hair was cut as her/his first offering to God, and she/he was clothed in the armor of new baptismal clothes with the symbol of the holy cross that will be her/his strength against all of life's challenges. She/he received the name of a great Orthodox Saint, whom will serve as__________'s role model in a world where young girls/boys struggle to find a holy example of chastity, true beauty/love and charity.

Lastly, did you know that today she/he also received her/his guardian angel, whom we might not see but whom we can believe is with her/him, protecting her/him especially when we cannot!

For all these reasons, we thank you for being with us today and for your prayers. We ask that you don't forget our ________ as we return to the busyness of life, but that each of us remember our responsibility to offer ________ the very best of a Christian life."


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