Holy Numbers

Learning to Count:
The Orthodox Numbers

For children learning to count, or even teens who need a good challenge, this activity opens our eyes to the many ways our Lord sanctifies numbers.

This idea was inspired by an Orthodox Saint who during his martyrdom, brought to mind something holy for each horrible act against him. While they cut off each toe or finger, he praised God according to the number, finding a way to glorify our Creator. Can anyone help me remember this Saint's name?

Here's how the activity works: Begin by explaining that as the adult or leader, you will call one number at a time, and ask for your children/teens to respond with a correlating event from the Bible, a Saints life, or element from our faith. You can go in order, or be more spontaneous. However, don't move on until your group has thought of everything it can for that number! Here are a few examples...

1 - One God, One Church, One Faith, One Messiah, One leper healed who thanked God, Prayers of 1st Hour

2 - Mary & Joseph, Paul & Silas, Two animals of every kind in Arc, Brothers James and John, Parable of Two Sons

3 - Holy Trinity, The Hebrew Children, Noah's 3 sons, 3 Fathers Abraham-Isaac-Jacob, 3 Angels visited Abraham, Days of Jonah in the belly of the whale, Days of Christ in the depths of hades, 3 Magi, 3 Stars of Panagia's ever-virginity, Prayers of 3rd Hour, Peter denied Christ 3 times, Christ breathed His last breath on the cross at 3:00pm, 3 Apples picked by St Euphrosynos, 3 Apples given to St Irene Chrysovilantou, 3 Daughters of St Sophia, Newly baptized child/adult receives Body & Blood 3 times in a row

4 - Gospels, 4 Corners of the Earth,Lazarus in the tomb for 4 Days

5 - Holy Virgins who made it into the Kingdom with enough oil, Jesus fed 5 thousand with 5 loaves

6 - Days to work, Stone Jars at Wedding at Cana, Prayers of 6th Hour, 6 Winged Angels

7 - Days of Creation, Sacraments, 7 angels 7 plagues, 7 Fruits of Holy Spirit,7th Day of Rest, 7 Ecumenical Counsels

8 - 8th Day after Pascha symbolizing eternity, 8 Byzantine Tones to Chant

9 - Lepers who didn't return to thank God, Prayers of 9th Hour, Holy Spirit descended at 9am, 9 months of Panagia carrying Christ in her womb

10 - Virgins waiting for the Bridegroom, # of Lepers cleansed, 10 Commandments

12 - Tribes of Israel, Apostles, Prayers of the 12th Hour, Christ crucified at 12:00 noon, Jews led out of Egypt at midnight, Maybe Christ would come as thief in the night at midnight, 12 baskets of leftover bread from miracle with loaves

40 - Days of Flood, Days Moses ascended Mountain, Years of Jews wandering the desert, Years of reign of King David, Days Elijah traveled until he reached Horeb, Years of Reign of Saul,Years of reign of Soloman, Days Christ was tempted in desert, Days Christ appeared after Resurrection before Ascension, Days of Fast before Christmas, Days of Fast before Pascha, 40-Days of mourning(Memorial Service), 40 Martyrs of Sebaste, 40 Day Churching of Baby

50 - Days after Resurrection for Pentecost

Millions - the Saints!

You can use this game to compete in small groups, with each answer earning a point, or just play for fun on a road trip! Either way, it should encourage our learning and hopefully remind us of the many wonders of our Lord and God. (tip: use a Bible search engine online for assistance)


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