Christians in the Holy Land

Even though you and I may live far away from the Holy Land, as Christians and as Orthodox Christians we must stay educated about the situation there. Everyday life is VERY hard for the faithful people who remain there. We can keep them in our prayers and also do more for them by educating others about the injustices that occur. The images of the wall that Israel has erected are just horrifying. Bethlehem is completely trapped. Try getting across to see a doctor, or go to school...practically impossible and life-changing overnight. It reminds me of other ancient walls, like that in Berlin which I visited and saw how people who tried crossing were killed. Not exactly peaceful co-habitation.

View this 60 Minutes special that aired on Sunday, April 22, 2012. Click here.

The producers are correct - this is sacred space for us. Christians should not be squeezed out. We must peacefully proclaim the land where Christ was born, crucified, and resurrected as Holy Ground.

Please view this video and pass it along to others you know. There is a second video on Taybeh, the last village that Christ visited before His crucifixion. I remember fondly Dr. Maria Khoury and her children. We must do all that we can to support them and encourage them not to leave Palestine! They are the hope of future generations!

Click here to view a friend's album of pilgrimage pictures of the Holy Land


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