
Showing posts from June, 2018

Icon Coloring Booklet

I have been meaning for some time to share this excellent resourse for you and your parishes or families available on AMAZON here. The format is a small black and white coloring booklet that can be used for quiet sit-still reflection time, or even a daily challenge to remember the quotes. Sometimes, we even test each other by playing "Name that Quote" as in, who said it? Many thanks to the very talented individuals , C. Gann (Author), A. Holt (Author), M. Adams who have collaborated to offer this resourc

12 Apostles Activity

For the 'Apostles fast' in the Orthodox Church, and here's an activity to assemble the icon day by day until the feast on June 29/30. On the first day, the children will cut out and glue the icon of Christ in the center of the Tree, learning the memory verse, " I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." from John 15:5. Each day(s) to follow, focus on one Apostle at a time, reading their life, learning their experiences and placing them on the icon. Each has a troparion as well to chant! Click here to download the smaller icons Click here for the tree document.   Once the tree is colored by the children, it can be laminated, along with the icons.  We have placed velcro on the backsides, and the children re-attach the icons each year during the fasting period.   Saints Peter & Paul celebrated on June 29 (fast ends) Synaxis of the Twelve Holy Apostles, celebrated June 30