
Showing posts from October, 2017

Sts Demetrios & Nestor - Soliders for Christ

If your kids enjoy the biblical story of David takes on Goliath, then they will be sure to find courage in the true modern day story of Saint Nestor and St Demetrios from Constantinople, Greece. With a few helpful talking points, these Saints who lived during the reign of Emperor Maximian, will come alive for your students! **Discuss what true Christian bravery is, why we take the blessing of our spiritual fathers when we kiss their hands, and what a bold confession for Christ can mean for others who are watching nearby! Click here to download the lesson for free.

Orthodox Game: Swap Seats

Here's another fun group game for kids and teens that can be tailored to our Orthodox faith and gets everyone moving! Begin by creating a circle with chairs facing in and totaling one less than the number of kids you have, including yourself. Then start by having everyone take a seat, except you who begins in the middle. Explain that a question will be presented by the person in the middle, and if it applies to them, they are asked to swap seats. Whoever is left standing without finding a seat, becomes the person in the middle. For example... "Whoever is wearing a cross around their neck...." Go! "Anyone who has been baptized an Orthodox Christian..." Go! "Whoever has white socks on..." "If your Patron Saint is in September..." "If you own a Bible..." "Anyone who has brown hair..." "If you know what Theotokos means..." (be sure to follow up by asking for the answer) If anyone leaves the group, you'll have