
Showing posts from August, 2016

Sunday Lessons for Ages 8-18

From ages 8-18, many questions arise in our youth...especially what are the differences between your students and their friends at school, etc. Catholic vs Jewish vs Protestants, etc... This can be a very influential period in their growth. Absolutely try an anonymous question box in your classroom! Encourage students to submit short strips of questions and pull from the box often for discussion! Here are two curriculum paths to consider: FOLLOW THE YEAR  with "The Incarnate God 1 and 2" Two volumes from SVS Press with beautiful pencil drawings to match each chapter. Would photocopy nicely for the classroom, not watered-down theology! Discover a deeper Orthodoxy with: "What the Church Fathers say about..." Short lessons with opening prayer, Scripture references, and quotes for discussion on topics like fasting, war & peace, the veneration of icons, the gift of sex, being born again, anger/gossip, what makes a Christian, etc I'd love to hear from others as

Discovering Virtue

Here is a new workbook on "Discovering Virtue" for our Orthodox youth, probably at a pre-teen or teenage level. I offer it with hopes that it will provide a basic framework to discuss the spiritual life and difficult topics like chastity, humility and obedience,along with activities, a craft, and quotes from the desert fathers. The document can be viewed as a PDF by clicking here at our Orthodox Education Scribd Group If you have ideas to develop this lesson further, please share them either through this website of by emailing me at The icon on the cover is one of many beautiful crafts offered at the Monastery of St John Chrysostomos "You have to struggle to increase your zeal for God. It should become for you a daily way of life. Struggle for perfection. If you can't gain a drachma, gain at least a tenth of a drachma. Virtues are not acquired easily. There is need of struggling. And know: if we acquire virtue quickly, we shall lose it q

Calling All Witnesses

“Therefore I will be brought to trial before you again, says the Lord; and I will be brought to trial before your children's children." (Jeremiah) An excellent activity to introduce our children and teenagers to the lives of the Orthodox Christian Martyrs is through a mock trial. This activity is one they'll never forget! Read together a few examples, like the story of the 40Martyrs of Sebaste, the stoning of St Stephen the first-martyr, or the fierce persecutions initiated by the Emperors Diocletian and Maximian, where eyewitnesses describe the trial of a group of Christians in a town in North Africa. Of particular interest in this final example are the testimonies of two Christian martyrs, Saturninus and his son Felix, who defend their participation in readings from Holy Scripture and the Eucharist. (A.D. 304) Assign Characters • Judge (parent or adult) • The Accused • Defense Lawyers • Prosecutors • Witnesses to be called to stand •