
Showing posts from August, 2012

Save My Sinful Mother - Saint Phanurius

The Great-martyr Phanurius and Newly Appeared of Rhodes is a fantastic Saint for kids to learn about. Most of us know him for his intercessions when we lose something! But did you know about the great faith he had to pray for the salvation of his mom ? What a beautiful son and example for our children. This is a story all kids should hear! Here is a brief description of his life from "Little is known of the holy Martyr Phanurius, except that which is depicted concerning his martyrdom on his holy icon, which was discovered in the year 1500 among the ruins of an ancient church on Rhodes, when the Moslems ruled there. Thus he is called "the Newly-Revealed." The faithful pray to Saint Phanurius especially to help them recover things that have been lost, and because he has answered their prayers so often, the custom has arisen of baking the Phaneropita ('Phanarius-Cake') as a thank-offering." There is a tradition that his mother was a great sin

Show & Tell from the Altar

A Very Popular Activity Using the handout below, consider introducing your young people to many of the items from the altar that they rarely get to see. Start with pictures if you'd like and ask your local priest to invite the kids for a close-up encounter! Can they find those items on the page? He can remove them and bring them to the Solea, or kids can stand at the royal doors and point to objects they'd like to see. Here are a few items to identify and DISCUSS! (If you need more on the meaning of an item, its location in Scripture, or its name in Greek, please e-mail me as I have a great reference book of these things!) The Altar itself as Paradise and the Holy of Holies Tabernacle Antimension cloth to serve Liturgy on Identify the Place of oblation Prothesis Lance - Knife, double-edged spear which the soldier pierced Christ with on the cross Star - placed over the Disk, as star which stood over Bethlehem at birth of Christ Paten or Disk manger for Christ Spoon - as

Mona Lisa Makeover

Imagine someone walking into the art museum to do this to the Mona Lisa! They'd be arrested for graffiti, at a minimal I'm sure! Imagine the state of shock that Leonardo di Vinci would be in at such altercations to his masterpiece...., as if the way he created her is just not good enough!  Yet everyday around the world, millions of young girls, college students, middle aged moms, and aging grandmoms apply lipstick, paint their nails, apply haircolor, enhance their body with implants, pierce their ears and endure the pain of getting a tatoo all to look more "beautiful" or just a bit younger. A little "blush" here and harm done right? Besides, isn't it fun to be "girly?" Where's the harm in aiming to look 20 years younger? Hasn't anyone ever're already perfect...just the way you are! In fact, God likes you BEST without all that stuff! -You are perfect in His eyes! If He wanted our toenails purple, He would