
Showing posts from October, 2009

An Inspiration: Elder Iakovos

In the past few days I cannot seem to put this book down. The life of Elder Iakovos Tsalikis of Evia has inspired me more than I can express, and it's been awhile since I've come across such a book. So, if anyone out there is in search of a simple but profound life story, I highly recommend this gem, and this remarkable holy man of our time. Some of my favorite moments from the book are during his youth, which really offer us parents much to think about. From a child, he kept the oil lamps lit in the small church of St Paraskeve each night, and chanted the hymns zealously and barefoot during the Divine Liturgies because in his times, everyone was poor, but Iakovos was even poorer. On one occasion he and his brother were sent to take the family pig to the local butcher to provide for the family, but along the way, a jealous old man cast a demon into the pig which caused it to fall down immediately and foam at the mouth. Little Iakovos acted quickly. He ran to fill a can with wat

2009 Orthodox Events

There are several excellent Orthodox events happening around the U.S. this fall. I encourage everyone to check the list recently posted here for something near you, in the hopes that maybe you will be enriched spiritually in the great struggle for our salvation. This has been passed on to me, and I share it with you. Here are a few sample topics: Building an Orthodox personal life, home and parish How to be a clergy wife and still go to heaven Care for the severely challenged patient Christ the eternal Tao God's Green Earth: Ecology & Theology Orthodox Thinking on other Religions Being Orthodox on today's college campuses Islam and Christianity A Christian ending to our life Salt of the Earth: An Approach to Peacemaking Orthodox Holy Mothers, Women Martyrs and Women New-martyrs: The Consummate examples of Liberated Women Once again, for more information click here to view the appropriate contacts and websites affiliated

Photo Album of Saints

This great idea comes from the Phyllis Onest website . We've found a simple photo album, this one bearing a Cross and Scripture verse on the outside, with standard plastic 4x6 pages on the inside. Then we've added our favorite Saints to make a personal book to enjoy! It's a nice way to keep small icons protected and organized for fun learning. Plus it has encouraged us to be on the look out for more icons to add. The pages are easy to turn for little ones, and the older kids enjoy deciding who to put where. We kept the desert ascetics together, then the female martyrs, etc... with more room to grow, we've enjoyed this little book during challenging moments in Church, and on road trips. We hope it can be a useful idea to your families as well.