
Showing posts from June, 2009

Receiving the Eucharist

Whoso Eatheth My Flesh and Drinketh My Blood Hath Eternal Life (quoted from pages 29-35 of Elder Ephraim's text linked below) "So much has been said about this "controversial point" of the Holy Eucharist that the faithful wonder what they should do in the long run. Two questions mainly arise: a) how often and b) after what preparation may and should the faithful receive the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist? The answer has been given by the Church, which has been guided, is guided, and shall be guided by the Holy Spirit "to the whole truth"...(read more here ) "... Fasting means continual temperance. In other words, we should not only fast on the set days of the year when we want to receive Communion and then eat so much for the rest of the year so as to replace in the shortest possible period what we had been deprived of on the days of our preparation for the Holy Communion...." "...It is through this Sacrament that we define our relationsh

From the Holy Mountain

Here's an excellent SHORT book in PDF format by Geronda Ephraim from 1991 - absolutely worth reading over and over again - (I had never seen it before it person ) If you don't have time for it all... scroll to the sections of interest to you personally! Call from the Holy Mountain

Summer Camp

What should the camping experience be like for our youth today? It's an interesting question because around the world the answers are varied. In some countries it seems the Church sponsored camps are still gender divided, so the issue of two piece bathing suits or sneaking out of cabins isn't a problem. The relics are plentiful in other places and the miracle stories are around every corner. What about where you live? If you're involved in camping or retreat experiences, here's a link to the Pan-Orthodox Summer Camp Association website dedicated to sharing resources, activities, games etc that might come in handy for Orthodox Vacation Bible School Programs, for example, on the local or district level. All in all, I'm a product of Orthodox Camping programs...and although they couldn't safeguard me from sins in my youth, I think God still worked through those experiences to nurture my faith and set aflame a desire to learn more. But I'd more conservatively s

A Confession of Faith

I'd like to solicit ideas as a follow up to the last post on secularism. Please share your ideas to the following: If the Fathers of the Orthodox Church could safeguard the Truth by writing the Nicene Creed in AD 325 and 381, than it must be the answer we offer our youth for tomorrow's generation. In what ways do you teach the Nicene Creed to your children and families?

A Secular Society

"Secularism is more dangerous than communism. It is religion being ignored." After some time away from this blog, and more reading on my part, there are things that I have not yet stated on this blog that are of utmost importance to the salvation of our children, who will grow up amongst a secular society. First, let's get them out there in the open...and then secondly we can figure out together how to make sure our kids understand these realities. 1. WE DO NOT ALL HAVE THE SAME GOD. Anyone who denies the inseparable Trinity, One in essence and undivided cannot confess to believe in our God, who existed before all ages as the complete Holy Trinity. There are some who say we have the same God the Father, as in the Father of Abraham, however these people deny Christ and the Holy Spirit and therefore can have no commonality with Orthodox Christians. 2. SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES ARE NOT ALL CHRISTIAN. Today, it is popular for many to seek out experiences of hypnotism, meditatio