
Showing posts from April, 2009

Orthodox Icon Coloring Book

Just posted: A 39-page Orthodox icon coloring book full of images of Holy Week, other feast days, and Saints throughout the year for you to download and print to use with your families. Click here for the printable PDF - select a few pages or print them all with minimal ink usage! Once again, please do not distribute this for profit in anyway!

Scribd Orthodox Group

Please forgive me that it has taken this long to find a good way to upload the Orthodox activities and lessons for you to download and print easily. I have just discovered and begun a group called "Orthodox Christian Education" there. You can visit this site, join the group, post your own resources, and read hundreds of excellent Orthodox articles from the Church Fathers and Saints that have been posted by other users. I hope to post other resources from Youth Camps, Retreats, and Family Nights very shortly there too. ~ Hopefully, this is just the beginning ~ Click this link to the Scribd Orthodox Christian Group Wishing you "kali dynami" good strength for the remaining days of our Lenten journey to Pascha!